Check Your Blood Levels in London

Our brand new blood testing service puts you in the driving seat with your own health. We have carefully crafted a menu of tests that go together perfectly to address the most commonly asked questions.



The wellness package is a good all rounder. Just feeling like you want a bit of an MOT then this is the package for you. Wellness encompasses your fats, kidneys, liver, iron, red cells, white cells, bone health, B12 and Vitamin D.

This is the perfect annual profile to check that you are keeping everything within a healthy spectrum.



Wondering what your hormones are up to? Perhaps you are wondering if there is a cause for your hot flushes, lack of energy or recent weight gain, this panel includes Thyroid as well as the female and male hormones.



If you have been through pregnancy and are just starting to get yourself back in the room this simple test will just inform you about your iron, B12 & vit D so you can identify which vitamins might be worth stocking up on to ensure you have all the energy you need for early motherhood.



The nutrition profile. This is aimed at those of you who are  on a health kick, have cut down on meat or simply want to try and understand the effect your diet has on your body. Including fats, sugar,  liver and kidney function as well as minerals, vitamins and the all important cortisol.


FITNESS (£129)

The fitness profile combines the information about fats and sugar with hormonal profiles plus liver and kidney function. This panel will tell you how healthy you really are.


ATHLETE (£310)

Fitness blood tests notched up a level. For those of you who are maxing out your workouts, ‘Athlete’ is a complete view of your fats, sugar, horomnes, inflammatory markers.


ALL MAN (£209)

A wellness check just for men. Fats, hormones, kidney, liver and vitamins in addition to  a prostate check.



Just want to know what your male hormone levels are like? Perhaps you’re considering a testosterone shot – this simple profile will put you fully  in the picture.


Interested in any of these  - simply book in in the usual way & during your visit you will also get a complimentary health check so you get a fully rounded picture of your blood test results in context with you as a person.